Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 11th

Something new has arrived in the mail at the Grand Emporium!

It's... a fireplace?

Really? A whole fireplace? I didn't know they came like this! It says it's for delivery to the E___ household. That's Pam's last name, but, she didn't order this! Her Green Grocer apartment already has a fireplace built-in!

Who would need a fireplace for Christmas?? Why did they put Pam's name on the delivery sheet? It's too heavy to keep carrying around everywhere, and too big to have inside the Emporium, so it looks like they are going to keep it out behind the Fire Station until someone claims it.

Do you know where it's supposed to go? Somebody must have been expecting it...

1 comment:

  1. Haha! And look behind Gretch! The staircase and couch! Just like the real cabin!!
    Poor Rick will have to call over the mayor to help build another one, stone by stone... Hahah!
