Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21st

Something new has appeared in the neighborhood!

It's a small yellow train car!

Another mysterious train car that's appeared on the rooftops of the neighborhood! What could they be for? What does it mean?

This one was discovered by John and Heidi. I don't think they're supposed to be up on the roof, but John has always liked adventure and I guess Heidi gets bored of playing with her younger brothers so she welcomes the chance to hang out with someone her own age.

Is this a joke someone is playing on the neighborhood people? Is someone hiding in the background, laughing? Or were they meant to be kept hidden and secret, up where nobody is supposed to go? Well, if they're someone's Christmas presents, we'll soon find out. Only three more days to go!


  1. I wonder if there are enough days left to collect a whole train set!

  2. 'gasp!' Call DHS on that Pam lady! Her child is on the roof with dippy John and an old perverted man!!
